Discipleship Training School (DTS)

  • Lecture phase (12 weeks) 

  • A DTS is your opportunity to get to know God more and live the adventure of taking His message to the nations. DTS is all about applying the truth of God to our lives and being equipped to fulfill your purpose in Him. All of this takes place as you are a part of a community of people committed to know and serve Christ.
  • The first phase of the DTS starts with a 12 week Lecture Phase here in Cluj. Each week we have local and international speakers come and share on topics that relate to Christian character and lifestyle, your personal relationship with God, and missions. These topics include the Nature and Character of God, Intercession and Worship, Hearing God’s Voice, the Cross, Missions and more.
    Your DTS will have regular times of worship and prayer, small groups, one-on-one discipleship, hands-on serving, and lots of fun community life! The focus of Lecture Phase is on applying the truth we learn to our own personal lives. It is a time when we really allow the Holy Spirit to come and bring transformation to our lives. Application and response times provide for extended periods of seeking God and giving Him room to speak and direct us as a DTS.
  • Outreach phase (8 weeks)

    • Your DTS will then head off on an 8 week international outreach. DTS outreach teams go and serve the lost wherever they are, and then share the love of God in whatever way we can: evangelism, discipleship, sports, drama, youth ministry, teaching, music, practical service, praying for needs, media, etc. It’s all about bringing the love of Christ to people through our lives and through the gifts that God has given us.
      Past outreaches have gone to places like Albania, Turkey, Egypt, Czech Republic, Moldova, Ukraine, Serbia, Hungary, Tajikistan and others.
      After the outreach we all return to Cluj for the final week of evaluation and graduation. This is a week of closing off the school, evaluating our experience and also with the goal to prepare the individual for the next step where God is leading!

Contact us! training@ywamcluj.ro
